Tag Archives: vegetarian

The Definitive Guide to Being a Vegetarian Virginian

Start here. Wandering is encouraged, but here’s a list of our best posts to keep you on task.


Our restaurant reviews cover specialty restaurants, takeout, food trucks and anywhere you can buy num nums. We eat out everywhere and have some recommendations for you when you want to go out for a good vegetarian meal.

Check out our recipes if you want to crank out some simple, healthy meals. No fancy ingredients. No complicated techniques. Real vegetarian food for your family.

Smoothies are good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here’s a few of our favorites.

Book Lists

We love a good book list. Here are a couple to get you started on your journey.

Essential Posts

How to be a Vegetarian- Don’t be shy. If you’re curious, here’s a few steps for you to get on the vegetarian path, including the 30 Day Kick The Meat Plan.

How To Stay Healthy as a Vegetarian– Nutrition is important, even if you eat meat. Take some of these tips with you, and we promise you’ll notice a difference.

3 Big Reasons to be a Vegetarian– The three biggest reasons to be a vegetarian- your health, the health of our planet and the welfare of animal life. It’s didactic. It’s political. It’s preachy. You’ve been warned.

The Difference between Vegan, Vegetarian and Plant-Based– All terms that may be new to you. If you want to know more and which works best for you, check this post out.

How to Convince Your Family to Eat More Plants– Your spouse, kids and parents may not want to eat vegetables. Here’s a few ways to get greens on their plate without protest.

3  Answers to People Asking Why You’re Vegetarian– People are curious about your choice, so here’s the cheat sheet for you to give the best response that fits your intention.

Check back often. Posts go up weekly, and restaurant reviews go up randomly (subscribe so you aren’t a victim of the chaos). Virginia has a beautiful, emergent wellness community, and we’re here to show you the vegetarian side of the Old Dominion state.

Be well,