Tag Archives: quick dinner

Baked Tofu

Yield: 2 meals for 2 people
Prep Time: 30 mins
Cook Time: 40-50 mins

If you struggle with frying your tofu, try baking it. It’s super simple. If you love the texture of tofu at the Whole Foods salad bar or at most restaurants, it’s because they bake it, refrigerate it, and then cook it to order. So take 3-4 bricks on a Sunday and bake them for the week.

Get This:

  • A cookie sheet, lightly oiled
  • 2 bricks of drained tofu, cubed (How to Cook Tofu)
  • S&P

Do This:

  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  • Place the cubed tofu on the sheet and season with S&P.
  • Bake for 20 mins, flip, and then 20 more mins.
  • Let the tofu cool before putting it in the fridge.

Baked tofu demands that you make it because it’s so easy. Don’t be proud. Bake your fu.
Be well,
Veg VA