Tag Archives: dietary choice

How to Explain Your Vegetarianism to Others

If you’re not eating animals, people will notice. You can be subtle and calmly eat coleslaw for dinner at a family barbecue, but people will definitely ask you to try the ribs. For some, it’s difficult to be in that situation, so here are a few things you can answer with if you get stuck:

“It’s not a big deal. I just don’t like the idea of eating animals.”
“I love meat, but I feel crummy after eating it.”
“I don’t think about it much. It’s only food.”

Most people won’t push further. If you get hit with a response like, “Animals don’t live forever,” or “You’re not making a difference,” don’t stress it. Remind people that you’re free to make your choice, and they’re free to make theirs.

Confrontations about a meatless diet can challenge your drive to stick with vegetarianism, but it gets easier as people start to accept your decision. Be patient and take the time to give sincere answers.

Veg VA’s position is that you can’t convert people to vegetarianism; they have to find it for themselves. Everyone on this path can only provide information when asked, so feed people’s curiosity if they are interested in vegetarianism. Never preach, though. You’re sure to turn people off that way.

Go forth and be punks. Live your renegade plant-based life and boldly answer queries from every meat-eater in your path. And as always, get the meat out and the greens in. Until next time,

Be well,
Veg VA