Vegan Guacamole

It’s raw. It’s delicious. It’s fatty, creamy and goes on anything. Guac is a king, and we’re all loyalists.

Get this:

1)    A knife
2)    A bowl
3)    A spoon
4)    3 ripe avocados
5)    3 cloves of chopped garlic
6)    A few pinches of salt

Do This:

1)    Cut avocados in half.
2)    Remove their pits.
3)    Scoop the meat out with a spoon.
4)    Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
5)    Mash it up.

Tip: A food processor will mash it faster. The longer you process the guac, the creamier it will be.

All hail guacamole.

Be well,
Veg VA

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